original kit
ホビー事業部マスコットキャラクター Lucy&Pony

空飛ぶドローンは弊社所蔵の1940年台のカナダのトラクター「Massey Harris Pony」をモデルにして頂きました。

Gatring3 (Twiiter name:@gatring3), who draws and publishes unique characters and mecha on Twitter, was asked to draw our Hobby Division mascot character "Lucy&Pony". I ordered a girl from a rural village who straddles a flying tractor drone, and she turned out to be just as cute and pop as I had imagined.
The flying drone was modeled after a 1940's Canadian tractor "Massey Harris Pony" in our collection.

今回のMassey Harris Ponyをモチーフにイメージキャラクターを制作しましたが、ぜひこのキャラとトラクターもキットにしたいと思いまして、3D設計を行なっております。

This tractor was a valuable tractor imported all the way from Wisconsin in the U.S. At the time of importation, it was able to drive itself properly (currently under restoration), and the exterior was in very good condition. I fell in love with this tractor at first sight in Hokkaido, Japan and I wanted to make a plastic model of it someday, so I ordered it.
We have created an image character based on the Massey Harris Pony, and we are now working on a 3D design for this character and tractor as well, as we would love to make them into a kit.

We're planning for a launch by the end of 2023, so stay tuned!


スケール:1/24 イメージスケール

Outline of the product

Product name: Lucy&Pony (tentative name)
Scale: 1/24 image scale
Product form: Multi-material kit (undecided)
Release date/price: undecided